Yesterday I was with my son at the bus stop in Bordeaux. An old man asked us if we were waiting the bus. It was raining, and a bit cold, so jokingly I said: “Am waiting for the spring to come”.
He looked at me and said, “Ah, yes, it has been raining for days now. Maybe you can go back to Morocco, it´s always sunny there”.
I started thinking about Morocco, because Africa is the only continent that I haven´t visited, but because of my dark hair I have been often mistaken by an Arab in France. Which is a bit strange, I wish I could say something back, or say…no, i am from….Peru? Perhaps, say that, despite that I haven´t lived in Peru for the last 20 years. So, say what then, that I just came from China, but I am not Chinese either? Or say that I am a citizen of the world? Nah, sounds too corny.
So, I said “I come from Mars, the weather there is not nearly as humid there”, and jumped in the bus that had just arrived.